Been a bit reflective of late thinking about what is the best role of this interest group. When we started it, the thought was it could be place where academics engaged one another on topics of research and teaching, especially as relates to the PA Framework.
Truth be told, I don't think we've accomplished that, at least not as successfully as one would hope. We probably have more engagement here than most IG's on the site, but it's a far cry from what it could be. I do think it's a common challenge in most organizations, with membership looking for what they can get out of the organization (customers, professional development, etc), and, frankly that's not an unreasonable perspective, rather than what they can be a part of building. Still, if this IG, or PACE more broadly, is going to fulfill its potential, the membership has to be a part of the building process.
JP ... I like your message and how you have worded it. It is a valid concern including for all of the PACE Interest Groups (IGs).
I am not an academic or on a faculty. I am a practitioner. (I am a PACE Director.) But here is my suggestion:
In order to stimulate a discussion post, the submitter should conclude their message (on whatever topic or subject they write on) with a question. The question should be deeper than just a "What do you think?" The question can prod others to reply ... and hopefully more replies. .... Gary ... Gary Cokins