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PACE Revenue Management IG

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As a long time management accountant, I have always been cost focused. However, cost management always comes across as slightly negative and generates a good deal of defensiveness.

In thinking about expanding revenue opportunities through customer segmentation, marketing for new customers, new product or service options, discounting to obtain new customers, etc., all of these actions generate essentially the same cost management questions. But they tend to do so in a more positive, problem solving oriented way.

Have you experienced this? How can management accounting and management accountants in organization use this to help improve and optimize profitability?

Mark Spracklen
Mark Spracklen
25 avr. 2023

Hi Guys, I just joined the group at Garry’s recommendation.

I am an expert and Profitability in Telecoms and have 20+ year doing Revenue Analysis.

In fact, my last Job I was responsible to all the Regulatory Revenue Reporting, which by the way is also a major Cost Driver.

I do plan to write a series of articles on this.

Most Profitability models, I have done we also have to have a Revenue model, as the level and detail, and often accuracy! In the GL is not good enough.

Over the last few years, I have also been involved in the Tax/Royalty side of Revenue as well.

Happy to help.



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